WebPack Modules

In contrast to Modules | Node.js v9.11.1 Documentation, webpack modules can express their dependencies in a variety of ways. A few examples:

  • An ES2015 import statement
  • A CommonJS require() statement
  • An AMD define and require statement (AMD Specification)
  • An @import statement inside of a CSS/Sass/Less file
  • An image...

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How I learned to use switchMap in building Angular web apps

When I first started programming heavily over 2 years ago, I became more intrigued by RxJS operators. RxJS provides several flattening operators, switchMap, mergeMap, exhaustMap, concatMap that allow multiple streams on observables into one stream. I began to realize that switchMap was being used frequently in my Angular built project. You will find a ton of information...

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Top-down vs Bottom-up Solution

"Top-down" Solution
"Bottom-up" Solution

A tree can be defined recursively as a node(the root node), which includes a value and a list of references to other nodes. Recursion is one of the nature features of a tree. Therefore, many tree problems can be solved recursively. For each recursion level, we can only focus on the problem within one single node and call the functions recursively to solve its children.


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