Booking web app internal payment system integrated with Stripe. This is to allow agents to request talent through the application and allowing the payment to receive 50% upon acceptance and the other 50% upon completion.
Written in ReactJS, Django, Graphene / Django Rest Framework, Docker, and AWS EC2 containers.
This mobile application is a better way to assist with exercise guidance. The main concept behind a better experience is to provide Dialogflow a natural language understanding (NLU) engine and Fitbit to motivate the customers the ability to reach goals by tracking your activity, exercise, sleep, weight and more.
Written in Angular 8, Ionic, NgRx, Firebase as a BaaS, Vuejs, Webpack 4, and Babel 7.
Wing Chun is a very unique and scientific form of martial arts. Wing Chun is a style of Kung Fu that originates from China, the martial art was later refined in Hong Kong by the late Ip Man. Wing Chun's specialty is in close contact combat, using quick punches and kicks with a tight defence, coordinated through agile stances and footwork for a quick advance.
Written in Angular 7, Firebase as a Hosting site.
This project consist of a simple API call to search albums and artists from MusicBrainz database with reactive forms. MusicBrainz is an open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata and makes it available to the public.
Written in Angular 8, Django REST Framework, Docker, Jest, Webpack 4, Heroku for hosting.